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Woodland in Wokingham, Berkshire

Financial coaching in Wokingham, Berkshire

Do you have a nagging feeling that you really should sort out your finances but you don’t know where to start or just can’t seem to get to grips with it? You are not alone. We all put so much time and effort into earning money yet many of us don’t take the crucial next step to get that money working for us. We are not educated at school to manage our finances and many parents have difficulty in this area too so most of us struggle with this important life skill.

People are often put off seeking Financial Advice due to cost, difficulty of access or being afraid of being taken advantage of as they don’t feel they know enough. Financial Coaching is not Financial Advice (which advises on products) but it could be more empowering as you learn what you need to in order to take control of your own financial destiny e.g how investing works, how pensions and investments are taxed, how much money you really need and what to do to get there.

The good news is there are now apps available where you answer a few questions and they set up a pension or investment for you but even then you may feel you’d like some guidance on where to begin. Like a Personal Trainer for your body, a Financial Coach can help you get started on improving your Financial Health.

Financial Coaching can help you to gain control of your day to day finances, focus on what you want your future to be and formulate a realistic plan to get there. This can then be supported with regular check ins (maybe annually but more frequently at first) to celebrate your success and/or make any necessary changes.

A Financial Coach can help you to harness your hard-earned money and get it working for what you want. As they say: Control your money or it will control you!

Our financial coach

Cathy Boddy - Financial Coach

Cathy BoddyHaving achieved Financial Freedom herself at age 55, Cathy now uses her years of experience as a Financial Adviser and as a Counsellor to help people take control of their own finances and feel more confident about their future.

Financial Peace of Mind comes when you have a proper look at your finances, make a plan and put it into action. Then you can get on with enjoying your life, confident that you are working towards achieving the life you want.

Do get in touch to see if you’d like to work with Cathy on this - e-mail Cathy@MyFinancialCoach.co.uk visit her web site www.MyFinancialCoach.co.uk or book a FREE 15 minute chat with her in her diary on Calendly Vouched For

Financial Advice is heavily regulated and expensive but Financial Coaching is much more accessible and delivers the most valuable parts of Financial Planning and Guidance, empowering you to make your own financial decisions.

As a Certified Financial Coach, backed up by a number of years’ experience as a Financial Adviser and also a Counsellor (and being diploma qualified in both), Cathy is perhaps uniquely qualified to provide you with not only the information and practical guidance you may need to sort out your finances but also the listening skills and intuition to help you to identify and clear the mental blocks to prosperity that we all have that may be getting in your way.